Strawberries with Foie-sting

I heard about the idea of Foie-sting through my buddy Ricky who is probably the most skilled butcher I’ve ever met. The concept is straightforward: make a frosting using foie gras pate as the primary fat component.

If this sounds too weird for you, don’t even worry about it—this recipe isn’t going to be for everyone.

In this recipe, we coat fresh summer strawberries with this foie-sting for a unique and incredible dessert.

Strawberries with Foie-sting

I heard about the idea of Foie-sting through my buddy Ricky who is probably the most skilled butcher I’ve ever met. The concept is straightforward: make a frosting using foie gras pate as the primary fat component.
If this sounds too weird for you, don’t even worry about it—this recipe isn’t going to be for everyone.
In this recipe, we coat fresh summer strawberries with this foie-sting for a unique and incredible dessert.


  • 8 oz foie gras pate
  • ½ cup confectioner’s (powdered) sugar
  • 1 Tbsp milk
  • 16 oz (1 lb) fresh strawberries, washed and dried
  • 16 toothpicks
  • A slightly sweet bottle of nice white wine, for serving


  • Warm the foie gras pate to room temperature.
  • In a large bowl with a hand mixer or a stand mixer, combine the foie gras, powdered sugar, and milk.
  • Mix the ingredients until smooth and incorporated.
  • Wash and dry the summer strawberries.
  • Stick a toothpick through the top of each strawberry.
  • *I usually leave the green leaves on, because they look pretty.
  • Dip each strawberry into the Foie-sting, and arrange the dipped berries on a serving platter.
  • Serve when ready, with a glass of white wine such as Bergerac, Côtes de Gascogne, Jurançon, or Gaillac. Or a slightly-sweet and uniquely-flavored Gewurztraminer!


These berries can be made in advance of serving, but note that after a few days, some of the juices will begin to leak out.

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