Roasted Winter Squash Ceviche

I’m not a vegetarian, but I love vegetables and the way that vegetarian dishes make my belly feel. I fell in love with this unique roasted Butternut squash ceviche appetizer/entrée idea after being introduced to a similar dish in a small cooking class that was oriented towards vegetarian cooking.

If you enjoy bright, vibrant flavors, combined with a healthy dose of fresh green herbs and roasted winter squash with thyme, this dish is for you. Try it out—if you like food, you will probably like this. And it’s fun to make.

The following recipe provides roughly 4 portions.

Roasted Winter Squash Ceviche

I’m not a vegetarian, but I love vegetables and the way that vegetarian dishes make my belly feel. I fell in love with this unique roasted Butternut squash ceviche appetizer/entrée idea after being introduced to a similar dish in a small cooking class that was oriented towards vegetarian cooking.
If you enjoy bright, vibrant flavors, combined with a healthy dose of fresh green herbs and roasted winter squash with thyme, this dish is for you. Try it out—if you like food, you will probably like this. And it’s fun to make.
The following recipe provides roughly 4 portions.


  • ½ butternut squash (cut in half down the middle, pulp scooped out and removed, and left with the skin on)
  • 1 Tbsp sunflower seed oil (for oiling your squash)
  • 6 sprigs thyme (left whole)
  • 1 tsp Aji Amarillo paste (or ¼ Aji Amarillo pepper, or ½ Jalapeno pepper, finely minced)
  • ¼ tsp Kosher salt (or more to taste)
  • ½ cup ripe mango (flesh cut large dice)
  • Zest of 1 lime
  • Juice of ½ lime
  • 1 tsp white granulated sugar
  • 2 Tbsp fresh cilantro leaves (finely sliced)
  • 2 Tbsp red onion (sliced finely)
  • ¼ clove garlic (finely minced)
  • 1 ripe avocado (peeled and cut large dice)
  • 2 fresh mint leaves (very finely sliced)
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil (as garnish)
  • 2 tsp sherry vinegar (as garnish)
  • 1 Tbsp white and black (tuxedo sesame seeds, as garnish)
  • ¼ cup Quicos (giant toasted corn kernels, as garnish)


  • Preheat your oven to 400˚F.
  • Remove the inner soft pulp from the center of the butternut squash half.
  • Coat the butternut squash half with the sunflower seed oil on all sides.
  • Place the squash on a parchment-lined sheet tray with the cut-side down, and place the thyme sprigs underneath the squash, inside the cavity that was cleaned out where the pulp was removed.
  • Place the squash in the oven, and cook for roughly 55-65 minutes, or until the squash is completely tender.
  • When the squash is tender, remove the skin and reserve the flesh.
  • Cut the butternut squash flesh into bite-sized chunks and set it aside.
  • In a container meant for an immersion blender, add the Aji Amarillo paste, Kosher salt, a few pieces of your cut fresh mango, the zest of 1 lime, the juice of ½ of a lime, and 1 teaspoon of white granulated sugar.
  • Blend.
  • When the contents are fully blended, stir in the finely-sliced cilantro leaves, sliced red onion, and minced garlic.
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooked squash from earlier, in addition to the diced avocado, the remaining mango, and some finely-sliced fresh mint leaves.
  • Add the liquid marinade that you created earlier with the red onions and cilantro and garlic.
  • Stir to combine, and divide the contents into bowls.
  • Garnish each bowl with some extra virgin olive oil, some sherry vinegar, a sprinkling of black & white sesame seeds, and some Quicos.


You can make the roasted butternut squash the day before, or use leftover roasted squash—it will work great here, especially if served over rice.

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