Grilled Cantaloupe Melon with Prosciutto & Pistachio Nuts

Melon and prosciutto pair together perfectly. Grilling the melon in advance of assembling this dish adds some roasted and sweet caramelized flavors to the dish. The pistachio nuts add some more richness and textural crunch.

Grilled Cantaloupe Melon with Prosciutto & Pistachio Nuts

Melon and prosciutto pair together perfectly. Grilling the melon in advance of assembling this dish adds some roasted and sweet caramelized flavors to the dish. The pistachio nuts add some more richness and textural crunch.


  • 1 ripe cantaloupe melon (rind removed, flesh cut into large chunks)
  • About 30 toothpicks
  • 20 pieces of prosciutto (sliced as thinly as possible)
  • 3 Tbsp honey
  • ½ cup pistachio nuts (lightly toasted)


  • Cut the rind off the cantaloupe melon and discard the rind.
  • Preheat your grill to 550F.
  • When the grill is hot, scrub the grill grates thoroughly with a grill brush.
  • Cook the chunks of melon briefly on all sides, and then reserve the grilled melon on a plate.
  • Wrap each piece of melon in a half slice or a full slice of prosciutto, depending on the size of your melon pieces and prosciutto.
  • Carefully skewer the prosciutto-wrapped grilled melon slices with a toothpick.
  • Drizzle each piece with a bit of honey, and top with some toasted pistachios.
  • Arrange on a plate and serve.


When purchasing your fresh cantaloupe melon, try smelling the fruit at the base of the melon where it was originally attached to the stem. You should be able to smell the sweetness of the melon through the rind—this serves as an indicator of freshness when you are choosing melons at the grocery store.
You can slice your cantaloupe melon the day before grilling and assembling this appetizer, just store the cut melon in the fridge. If you are slicing your prosciutto in advance of serving, make sure to cover the slices with plastic wrap or parchment paper so they don’t dry out.
This appetizer works great when you are serving a large group of guests at an informal dinner party. You can leave the melon skewers out for about 30 minutes at room temperature before serving—they don’t need to be served warm.

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