Homemade Restaurant-Quality Steak Tartare

It is possible to prepare and serve a restaurant-quality steak tartare dish in your own home.

Homemade Restaurant-Quality Steak Tartare

It is possible to prepare and serve a restaurant-quality steak tartare dish in your own home.


  • 8oz high-quality beef tenderloin
  • 1.5 oz finely minced shallots
  • 3 Tbsp sherry vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 3 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp capers, rinsed & minced
  • 1/8 clove of raw garlic, finely minced
  • 4 drops Tabasco sauce
  • 3 pickled cornichons, finely minced
  • 4 finely minced chives
  • ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 egg yolks (optional)
  • Salt, to taste, -- this is the most important part!


  • Locate your sharpest knife, and proceed to sharpen the blade until it is dangerously sharp.
  • Clean and dry the knife.
  • Place your meat in the freezer on a sheet of parchment.
  • You want the beef to be frozen enough to cut into planks, but not completely frozen.
  • Place your minced shallots, sherry vinegar, Dijon mustard, olive oil, capers, raw garlic, and minced cornichons in a small bowl and stir to combine.
  • Allow the mixture to sit for 15 mins and stir to recombine.
  • Cut your beef into 1/8” thick “planks” or slices.
  • Place the 1/8” thick slices flattened out onto parchment back in the freezer for 5 minutes.
  • The idea here is to not freeze the beef completely, but get it cold enough to slice and cube cleanly.
  • When adequately cooled, cut the planks into small 1/8” wide julienne slices.
  • Cut those slices into 1/8” cubes.
  • Place the diced meat in a small bowl on ice.
  • When ready to serve, mix the meat with the shallot, vinegar, mustard, and olive oil mixture you made earlier.
  • Stir in the fresh chives and mix to combine.
  • Season with salt and black pepper and adjust seasoning for personal preference.
  • Place the meat mixture into a circle on the plate, and top with a fresh egg yolk if desired.
  • Serve with French fries and garlic aioli.


This dish is best prepared in the quantity that you anticipate consuming in a single evening. Any leftover cubed beef will not last well in the fridge, and is best cut fresh on the same day that you intend to serve the dish.

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