Spanish Tortilla (Egg & Potato Omelet Pie)

Think of this recipe as a giant potato and onion omelet cooked in olive oil. The trick to this recipe is finding the correctly sized non-stick pan to cook the tortilla.

Spanish Tortilla (Egg & Potato Omelet Pie)

Think of this recipe as a giant potato and onion omelet cooked in olive oil. The trick to this recipe is finding the correctly sized non-stick pan to cook the tortilla.


  • 4 yukon gold potatoes
  • 1 large white onion
  • 4 eggs
  • 3-4 cups olive oil
  • Salt (to taste)


  • Add 3 cups of olive oil and 1 tbsp salt to nonstick pan.
  • Peel, halve, and finely slice your potatoes into 1/8” thick pieces.
  • Small-dice your onion into roughly 1/8” cubes.
  • Heat 3 cups olive oil (or enough to cover the onions and potatoes)
  • Onions and potatoes in the large non-stick pan to roughly 300F.
  • Poach your potatoes and onions in the 300F olive oil until the potatoes are cooked through, roughly 25-30 minutes.
  • Strain your oil into a vessel, keeping your potatoes and onions separate from the oil.
  • Taste the potatoes, and if extra salt is needed, add some.
  • Combine the potatoes and onion mixture in a bowl with 4 of your whisked eggs
  • Gently stir to combine.
  • Add back roughly 1/2 cup olive oil to the medium-heat pan
  • Pour your egg and potato mixture into the pan
  • Shaking the pan during the first 30 seconds, and allow to cook for another minute or two.
  • Shake the pan again, and use a rubber spatula to move around the entire contents that are touching the surface of the pan.
  • The goal here is to slowly increase the temperature of the total contents in the pan at the same rate.
  • In the early stages of cooking, it is ok to move the pan around and mix the ingredients.
  • Once the proteins in the egg begin to coagulate and reach a more solid state
  • Turn your heat down to medium-low
  • Continue to watch the tortilla as it cooks.
  • Feel free to use your rubber spatula at this point to reach under the edges of the tortilla
  • Try to begin to rotate the tortilla as it continues to solidify.
  • After the edges and bottom of the tortilla have been cooked and solidified
  • The visible center of the tortilla on the top of the pan is hot throughout
  • You have arrived at the moment when you can move the rubber spatula around the edges and bottom of the pan
  • Begin to rotate your entire tortilla around the pan without the tortilla sticking.
  • This is the moment of truth, and is worth being very careful to make sure the tortilla bottom and sides are loosened from the pan surface.
  • Before you flip your tortilla, take an empty bowl and a paper towel
  • Gently pour the excess olive oil from your pan into the empty bowl
  • Placing a hand over the edges of the tortilla so it does not slide out of your pan.
  • Wipe off any excess oil from the side of your pan with the paper towel.
  • Place a clean flat plate over the surface of the tortilla pan
  • Flip the tortilla pan over so the flat plate is on the bottom.
  • Remove the tortilla pan, and the bottom of the tortilla you were cooking should be on the top of the plate, facing you.
  • Wipe the sides of the tortilla pan again
  • Add 2 tbsp of the olive oil, and add your tortilla on the plate
  • So the side of the bottom of the plate has time to cook in your pan.
  • Cook for an additional 3-4 minutes
  • Making sure to use your rubber spatula to push down the edges of the tortilla in the pan.
  • During this process, try to turn your tortilla clockwise or counterclockwise in your pan once the bottom is cooked through.
  • Once both sides of the tortilla are cooked, you are ready to place onto a serving plate and serve in slices.


This recipe sounds complicated, but it’s all about the cooking technique and having the nerve to just go for it. The ingredients to make a Spanish tortilla are bountiful and cheap, and the end result will blow your mind. Every café in Spain makes a variant of this tortilla every day, and it is truly a wonder to behold.

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