Summer Oranges with Jamon de Bellota Iberico

Lately I’ve been experimenting a bit with some different types of charcuteries, which is really fun and bad for my budget. Some of the combinations I have been trying are mixing sweet summer fruits with cured pork and beef products.

This recipe simple involves mixing fresh summer oranges with finely-sliced jamon de bellota Iberico. Some freshly-ground black pepper is added for good measure.

The bellota Iberico pigs are said to consume around 1000-1200 pounds of acorns each, giving the cured legs a deep, nutty, and rich flavor that is unique and worth seeking out.

You can use regular jamon serrano, or prosciutto, or thinly-sliced country ham for this recipe, it’s super flexible and simple.

Summer Oranges with Jamon de Bellota Iberico

Lately I’ve been experimenting a bit with some different types of charcuteries, which is really fun and bad for my budget. Some of the combinations I have been trying are mixing sweet summer fruits with cured pork and beef products.
This recipe simple involves mixing fresh summer oranges with finely-sliced jamon de bellota Iberico. Some freshly-ground black pepper is added for good measure.
The bellota Iberico pigs are said to consume around 1000-1200 pounds of acorns each, giving the cured legs a deep, nutty, and rich flavor that is unique and worth seeking out.
You can use regular jamon serrano, or prosciutto, or thinly-sliced country ham for this recipe, it’s super flexible and simple.


  • 3 sweet oranges (peels cut off, flesh cut into 6 rounds for each orange)
  • Freshly-ground black pepper
  • 18 thinly-sliced pieces of Jamon de bellota Iberico
  • 1 Tbsp of honey (to drizzle on the oranges with ham as a garnish)


  • Cut the peel and pith off the oranges, leaving onto the orange flesh.
  • Cut the peeled oranges into rounds, resulting in roughly 6 rounds per orange.
  • *As the orange is shaped like a globe, your orange rounds will not be the same sizes—don’t worry about it.
  • Crack some freshly-squeezed black pepper on the surface of each orange.
  • Top each orange with a very thinly-sliced piece of jamon de bellota Iberico.
  • Serve immediately.


Make sure to use the sweetest and tastiest oranges that you can find. You can slice your ham and cut your oranges prior to assembly.

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