You have a whole day with your family. Looking around, you know you want to start the day out right, but cereal, toast, and eggs don’t quite cut it. What about Southern-style biscuits and gravy? They’re flavorful and filling and offer comfort to the foodie soul.
Now, this article includes a receipt for hot, homemade biscuits. However, we have a secret. You can usually use the fluffy roll products from your refrigerated aisle at the market. Toss them in the oven a few minutes before the gravy is done, and wala, fini! This isn’t really cheating. The idea of the day is to focus on loved ones away from the kitchen.

Buscuits and Gravy
- 1 lb ground pork breakfast sausage (any flavor)
- 2 tbsp unsalted butter
- ⅓ cup all-purpose flour
- 3 cups whole milk
- ¼ tsp each garlic and onion powder
- ½ tsp kosher salt
- 1 tsp fresh ground peppercorn
- 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
- 2½ tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp table salt
- 5 tbsp frozen butter
- ¾ cup whole buttermilk
- 3 tbsp honey or sugar in the raw
- Brown the sausage over medium-high heat.
- Break up the meat as you go until it’s no longer pink
- Drop the butter into the same pan
- Once melted, slowly sprinkle the flour into the sausage and keep stirring.
- Slowly whisk in the milk (it will start thickening)
- Add seasonings (some folk like thyme and/or oregano, too).
- Leave on the lowest setting until the biscuits are done.
- Set your oven to 400F
- Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
- Grate the frozen butter into the flour
- Mix until it’s incorporated (it will look like coarse meal)
- Chill 10 minutes
- Stir honey or sugar with the whole buttermilk
- Slowly add this to the flour mix. Stop when it’s just moist.
- Put the dough on a floured surface, rolled into a ball
- Use a rolling pin (or tall glass) to stretch the dough into an even rectangle (½” thick)
- Fold the dough inward on itself four times, starting and the top and moving clockwise around the triangle.
- Re-roll the dough into the same size as before.
- Repeat once more, but this time increase the height to ¾ inch throughout
- Line a cookie tray with parchment paper.
- Cut out 10-12 biscuits
- Put them on the tray with 1-inch between
- Cook for 10 minutes until they are golden brown.
- Cool a little before using
- Put 1-2 biscuits in a bowl and smother them with gravy
- Prepare one bowl per person