Breakfast Charcuterie Board on Toast

Start your day with a mix of pork pate, prosciutto, goat cheese, and jam on toasted bread.
Try assembling the ingredients on top of sturdy bread slices cut from a large-format, country-style loaf.

Breakfast Charcuterie Board on Toast

Start your day with a mix of pork pate, prosciutto, goat cheese, and jam on toasted bread.
Try assembling the ingredients on top of sturdy bread slices cut from a large-format, country-style loaf.


  • 4 large slices of bread (cut from a large country-style loaf of bread)
  • 2 oz cream cheese (softened)
  • ½ cup raspberry jam
  • 4 oz pork pate
  • 3 oz prosciutto (sliced paper-thin)
  • 3 oz goat cheese (softened)
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 2 tsp chives (finely sliced)


  • Toast bread until crispy, remove from oven or toaster-oven.
  • Spread cream cheese on bread, followed by the raspberry jam.
  • Spread pork pate on top of jam, distributing pate as best you can.
  • Add thin slices of prosciutto on top of the pate.
  • Top with softened goat cheese and drizzle with honey.
  • Sprinkle with chives and serve.


All of the ingredients above can be modified according to personal preference.

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