Pinacolada Granola

If you’re a fan of granola, there’s good news. You can make it yourself at home with all of your favorite ingredients. Cranberries, apricots, walnuts, maple syrup instead of honey, and even chocolate chips can become part of your granola repertoire. In other words, rather than being stuck with whatever blend the store has to offer, you personalize the mix to your family’s tastes. The best part is it is flavorful and good for you. For example, oats have magnesium, honey provides energy.

By the way, don’t get stuck on eating granola just as cereal. Toss some in a food storage bag as a trail mix, crumble it over ice cream, and stir it into any flavor Greek yogurt. Go wild! This recipe creates about 10 servings.

Pinacolada Granola

If you’re a fan of granola, there’s good news. You can make it yourself at home with all of your favorite ingredients. Cranberries, apricots, walnuts, maple syrup instead of honey, and even chocolate chips can become part of your granola repertoire. In other words, rather than being stuck with whatever blend the store has to offer, you personalize the mix to your family’s tastes. The best part is it is flavorful and good for you. For example, oats have magnesium, honey provides energy.
By the way, don’t get stuck on eating granola just as cereal. Toss some in a food storage bag as a trail mix, crumble it over ice cream, and stir it into any flavor Greek yogurt. Go wild! This recipe creates about 10 servings.


  • 1 cup oats
  • 2 cups chopped walnuts
  • 1 ½ cup coconut flakes **
  • 1 cup dried pineapple ( minced)
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ cup orange blossom honey
  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp rum flavoring
  • sweetened flakes will make the granola slightly sweeter


  • Preheat your oven to 375F
  • Place parchment on a baking sheet and oil it lightly to prevent sticking
  • Put the oats, walnuts, coconut flakes, nuts, and salt.
  • Toss
  • In a second bow, whisk the oil, honey, vanilla, and rum flavoring
  • Pour this into the granola bowl, stirring for an even coating
  • Spread the granola onto the parchment
  • Bake for 7 minutes and stir
  • Bake for another 8 minutes.
  • Cool completely.
  • Add in the dried pineapple
  • Store in an airtight container between uses.

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