Slow-Scrambled Eggs with Sauteed Swiss Chard & Anchovies

Swiss Chard is an amazing summer ingredient that you can find in many grocery
stores and farmers markets throughout the U.S.

I didn’t recognize the beauty of Swiss Chard as an incredible vegetable until I
started working on a produce farm as a kid. We would grow this beautiful Swiss
Chard in long rows of raised beds, and cut it off at the roots when it was time to
harvest. I wasn’t really sure what you were supposed to do with it, at first. Turns
out you can saute it with a bit of olive oil just like you might do for spinach!

When sauteed quickly with some garlic and anchovies, it becomes a welcome
breakfast addition to serve up alongside some fancy scrambled eggs.

Slow-Scrambled Eggs with Sauteed Swiss Chard & Anchovies

Swiss Chard is an amazing summer ingredient that you can find in many grocerystores and farmers markets throughout the U.S.
I didn’t recognize the beauty of Swiss Chard as an incredible vegetable until Istarted working on a produce farm as a kid. We would grow this beautiful SwissChard in long rows of raised beds, and cut it off at the roots when it was time toharvest. I wasn’t really sure what you were supposed to do with it, at first. Turnsout you can saute it with a bit of olive oil just like you might do for spinach!
When sauteed quickly with some garlic and anchovies, it becomes a welcomebreakfast addition to serve up alongside some fancy scrambled eggs.


  • 2 Tbsp salted butter
  • 6 whole eggs (at room temperature)
  • ½ tsp Kosher salt
  • ¼ tsp freshly-ground black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp fresh chives (finely-sliced)
  • 2 Tbsp crème fraiche
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1.5 cups fresh Swiss Chard (roughly chopped)
  • 2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
  • 2 anchovy fillets (finely minced)
  • 1 Tbsp fresh parsley (finely chopped, as garnish)
  • A few drops of your favorite hot sauce (to finish.)


  • Whisk together the whole eggs in a large bowl.
  • Add the Kosher salt, freshly-ground black pepper, sliced chives, and crème fraiche
  • to the bowl, and continue to combine using the whisk.
  • Add the butter to a nonstick pan, and increase the heat to medium-low.
  • When the butter begins to melt, add the egg mixture.
  • Stir using a rubber spatula until the eggs begin to warm up and coagulate, and then
  • leave the eggs alone as they continue to cook.
  • Stir the eggs every minute or so with the rubber spatula, and remove the eggs from
  • the pan when they are about 90-95% cooked, but still a bit soft and wet.
  • *The eggs will continue cooking once they are removed from the pan.
  • Set the eggs aside while you quickly saute the Swiss Chard.
  • In a medium-sized saute pan, add the olive oil, and increase the heat to medium-
  • high.
  • When the pan is hot, add the chopped Swiss Chard and cook for roughly 3 minutes,
  • or until the chard is beginning to wilt.
  • Add the minced garlic and anchovy, and stir to combine.
  • Cook for an additional two minutes.
  • Serve the sauteed Swiss Chard over the scrambled eggs that you finished cooking a
  • few minutes ago.
  • Enjoy with a few drops of your favorite hot sauce.


The anchovies here impart a strong dose of umami flavor to the finished dish. That being said, you can definitely omit this ingredient if you feel strongly opposed to anchovies.

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