Sweet & Sour Cantaloupe with Granola, Greek Yogurt, & Fresh Mint

A sprinkling of white granulated sugar, salt, lime zest, and lime juice can turn yourmorning cantaloupe melon into something that is worth writing home about. This
“sweet & sour” approach works great with other types of melons and fruits as well.

The following recipe provides roughly 4 large servings.

Sweet & Sour Cantaloupe with Granola, Greek Yogurt, & Fresh Mint

A sprinkling of white granulated sugar, salt, lime zest, and lime juice can turn your
morning cantaloupe melon into something that is worth writing home about. This
“sweet & sour” approach works great with other types of melons and fruits as well.
The following recipe provides roughly 4 large servings.


  • Remove the rind from the ripe cantaloupe melon.
  • Cut the flesh into bite-sized pieces (and carefully sprinkle the cantaloupe with the)
  • Kosher salt (white granulated sugar, lime zest, and lime juice.)
  • Allow the cantaloupe to sit in the sugar (salt, and lime mixture for roughly ten)
  • minutes prior to serving.
  • When you are ready to serve (divide the Greek yogurt among four bowls.)
  • Top with some of the drained sweet and sour cantaloupe (prepared granola, sliced)
  • mint (Extra Virgin olive oil, and a few grains of Maldon Sea Salt.)


When picking out your melon at the supermarket, smell the stem area through the
rind and try to detect a hint of sweetness. If you can smell the sweet inner melon,
you are likely selecting a ripe melon.
You can cut and soak the Cantaloupe melon in the lime and sugar mixture a few
hours in advance of serving, just store the melon covered in the fridge.

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