Maine Coffee

Allen’s Coffee Brandy. With coffee. Served chilled over ice, or hot.

I have a lot of extended family living in Maine—it is an amazing state, on so many levels. One of the statistics related to beverages in the state I found surprising is that Allen’s Coffee Brandy is one of the most popular liquors sold statewide, year after year. I saw there was roughly $9.2 million dollars’ worth of Allen’s sold in Maine in 2020 alone.

If I didn’t have family in Maine, I would never have been exposed to this amazing liquor. Goes wonderfully with coffee.

The recipe below is for two drinks.

Maine Coffee

Allen’s Coffee Brandy. With coffee. Served chilled over ice, or hot.
I have a lot of extended family living in Maine—it is an amazing state, on so many levels. One of the statistics related to beverages in the state I found surprising is that Allen’s Coffee Brandy is one of the most popular liquors sold statewide, year after year. I saw there was roughly $9.2 million dollars’ worth of Allen’s sold in Maine in 2020 alone.
If I didn’t have family in Maine, I would never have been exposed to this amazing liquor. Goes wonderfully with coffee.
The recipe below is for two drinks.


  • 5oz Allen’s Coffee Brandy
  • 20oz coffee
  • Ice, if serving over ice


  • Buy a bottle of Allen’s.
  • Brew a pot of delicious coffee.
  • Combine 5oz Allen’s and 20oz coffee.
  • Serve (over ice, if desired) and enjoy.


If you are ever hosting someone who has lived their entire life in Maine, casually bust out a bottle of Allen’s Coffee Brandy with coffee during dessert and make nothing of it. You are likely to make a lifelong friend.

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