The Abe Petrovsky

The 1998 movie “Rounders” includes Martin Landau as part of the supporting cast, who plays Abe Petrovsky, a thoughtful and kind dean at the law school that Matt Damon’s character is attending.
During a pivotal scene in the film, Matt enters a bar, and sits down at a two-top table to have a conversation with the dean, whom he needs to ask for money.
“What are you drinking?” Matt’s character asks.
The dean replies, “Gin, always gin.”
The scene depicts the mostly-defunct era of trusting neighborhood bars that leave a bottle in front of you to allow you to pour your own drinks, if you are a regular.
This recipe is in homage to Martin Landau, who will always be Abe Petrovsky in my heart.

The Abe Petrovsky

The 1998 movie “Rounders” includes Martin Landau as part of the supporting cast, who plays Abe Petrovsky, a thoughtful and kind dean at the law school that Matt Damon’s character is attending.
During a pivotal scene in the film, Matt enters a bar, and sits down at a two-top table to have a conversation with the dean, whom he needs to ask for money.
“What are you drinking?” Matt’s character asks.
The dean replies, “Gin, always gin.”
The scene depicts the mostly-defunct era of trusting neighborhood bars that leave a bottle in front of you to allow you to pour your own drinks, if you are a regular.
This recipe is in homage to Martin Landau, who will always be Abe Petrovsky in my heart.


  • 3 oz gin
  • Room temperature serving glass


  • Pour gin into room-temperature rocks glass.
  • Sip slowly, while reading a newspaper or book.

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