If you like coffee, you may enjoy this version of Austrian coffee. It’s a little sweet and very creamy. You almost don’t want to drink it because it looks so pretty when completed.
The formal (read: fancy) name is Einspanner Vienna Latte. Einspänner translates roughly as strongly brewed expresso. The coffee is hot; the whipped cream is cold, making for a wonderful balance. If you make this on a hot day, feel free to pour it over ice before adding the cream.

Vienna Coffee
- 1 cup of heavy cream
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- two shots of espresso
- pinch of brown sugar
- whole milk
- cocoa powder
Whipped Cream
- Yes, you can cheat and buy whipped cream, but honestly making your own results in a far better flavor. Making whipped cream isn’t hard. You simply place 1 cup of heavy cream, 2 tbsp sugar, and 1 tsp vanilla extract into a bowl. Beat the mixture until you see it thicken and hold shape. Stop there. You don’t want to over-whip it.
- By the way, the extract does not have to be vanilla. How about orange, almond, or mint? Match your flavor to your meal offerings.
Putting it Together
- You need two shots of espresso for this drink. It’s meant to be strong. In lieu of having a machine, use powdered coffee! Some brands even offer espresso varieties.
- Place a hardy pinch of brown sugar in the bottom of the shot glass (you can adjust how much depending on your sweet tooth). Add in the espresso and let the sugar melt. Some like to add whole milk, but you can stop now if you wish and just top it with a dollop of your whipped cream.
- Dust the top with cocoa powder. But wait! What if you used orange or mint extract? Well, top with orange zest or a pretty mint leaf.