Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Treats

Rice crispy treats are incredibly easy to make at home, and you can flavor them however you like.

While this recipe calls for smaller-sized marshmallows, I made this recipe recently using larger-sized giant marshmallows, and it still worked out great.

When you first mix the marshmallows with the melted butter and peanut butter on
the stove, it may feel like the ingredients aren’t going to mix—just give it some time and allow everything to gently melt together while you stir with a rubber spatula!

Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Treats

Rice crispy treats are incredibly easy to make at home, and you can flavor them
however you like.
While this recipe calls for smaller-sized marshmallows, I made this recipe recently
using larger-sized giant marshmallows, and it still worked out great.
When you first mix the marshmallows with the melted butter and peanut butter on
the stove, it may feel like the ingredients aren’t going to mix—just give it some
time and allow everything to gently melt together while you stir with a rubber


  • 5 Tbsp ¾ stick salted butter
  • ¼ cup peanut butter
  • 10 oz miniature marshmallows (about 5 cups)
  • 5 cups Rice Krispies cereal


  • In a large nonstick sauté pan, combine the butter and peanut butter, and increase the heat on the stove to medium or medium-low.
  • When the butter is melted, add the marshmallows.
  • Cook the marshmallows, butter, and peanut butter mixture together until the marshmallows are completely melted and blended with the other ingredients.
  • *This can take about 6-8 minutes—be patient!
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the Rice Krispies cereal with the melted marshmallow mixture, and gently mix the contents until all of the cereal is coated evenly.
  • Spread the contents out onto a parchment-lined sheet tray and press gently on the surface with a rubber spatula to form an even layer.
  • Allow the rice crispy treats to cool at room temperature.
  • Serve when these have cooled slightly or store them in a covered container.


Cool these down at room temperature, and then slice them into individually sized bars. Store them in a covered container, or in the freezer for longer periods of time!
You can add peanut butter chips or regular chocolate chips, if you are looking for some added sweetness and crunch!

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