Quick Mango Blitz with Pomegranate Seeds

This dessert comes together in less than ten minutes. You can’t really go wrong
with a mixture of vanilla ice cream, fresh mango, and pomegranate seeds.

The following recipe provides four servings.

Quick Mango Blitz with Pomegranate Seeds

This dessert comes together in less than ten minutes. You can’t really go wrong with a mixture of vanilla ice cream, fresh mango, and pomegranate seeds.
The following recipe provides four servings.


  • 1 fresh and ripe mango (peeled, flesh cut into chunks)
  • 4 scoops vanilla ice cream
  • 1 Tablespoon heavy whipping cream
  • Seeds collected from 1 fresh pomegranate


  • Peel the mango and cut the ripe flesh from around the pit.
  • Discard the mango peel and pit.
  • Blend the mango flesh with the vanilla ice cream in a food processor, along with 1
  • Tablespoon of heavy cream.
  • Remove the seeds from the pomegranate by cutting the pomegranate in half, and use a heavy metal spoon to hit the curved side of each half pomegranate until the seeds contained on the inside of the pomegranate fall out into a bowl.
  • Collect the seeds, and discard the pomegranate rind.
  • Divide the mango and ice cream puree among four bowls.
  • Top with the fresh pomegranate seeds, and enjoy.


You can make this dessert slightly in advance and store it in the freezer for about thirty minutes before serving, although note that the ice cream and mango puree will freeze into a hard block if left in the freezer for several hours.
Try to make sure that the mango you use for this recipe is very ripe and sweet. You can save some of the mango flesh and use as a topping with the pomegranate seeds, if desired.

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