Healthy Vegetable Bowls with Textured Soy Protein and Greek Yogurt

I put on a few pounds during the holiday season, and have been trying to eat a little bit healthier. Dried soy protein sounded like a low-cost meat alternative with less saturated fat, which works for me—and I personally enjoy the taste. It’s not beefy, but it’s both protein-packed and filling.

You can season the textured soy protein however you like—this recipe goes heavy on some Mexican-inspired dried seasonings, in addition to a fistful of fresh cilantro and some added fresh lime.

I’ve chosen some fairly standard vegetables to include in the recipe, which are simply boiled in salted water. It’s nothing fancy, but it tastes great, fills you up, and is good for you.

The recipe below serves 4-5 people.

Healthy Vegetable Bowls with Textured Soy Protein and Greek Yogurt

I put on a few pounds during the holiday season, and have been trying to eat a little bit healthier. Dried soy protein sounded like a low-cost meat alternative with less saturated fat, which works for me—and I personally enjoy the taste. It’s not beefy, but it’s both protein-packed and filling.
You can season the textured soy protein however you like—this recipe goes heavy on some Mexican-inspired dried seasonings, in addition to a fistful of fresh cilantro and some added fresh lime.
I’ve chosen some fairly standard vegetables to include in the recipe, which are simply boiled in salted water. It’s nothing fancy, but it tastes great, fills you up, and is good for you.
The recipe below serves 4-5 people.


  • ½ butternut squash (peeled and cut into bite-sized cubes)
  • ½ head of cauliflower (cut into bite-sized florets)
  • ½ head broccoli (cut into bite-sized florets)
  • ½ cup fresh cilantro (finely chopped)
  • ½ cup dried textured soy protein
  • 1 red onion (finely sliced)
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tsp Kosher salt
  • 2 tsp dried oregano
  • 2 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • ½ tsp cayenne powder
  • Zest of 1 lime
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 fresh lime (cut into wedges, for serving)


  • Prepare the squash, cauliflower, and broccoli by cutting the vegetables into bite-sized pieces.
  • *Keep the individual vegetables separate, as they require different cooking times.
  • Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, and add the butternut squash.
  • Allow the squash to cook for roughly 15 minutes, and then add the cauliflower.
  • Allow the cauliflower to cook for roughly 5 minutes, and then add the broccoli.
  • Allow the vegetables to cook for an additional 5 minutes, and then drain the vegetables from the liquid once they are tender.
  • Stir in the chopped cilantro with the cooked vegetables.
  • Add the dried textured soy protein to a small pot on the stove, along with the red onion.
  • Boil the soy protein with the onion and 2 teaspoons of Kosher salt for about fifteen minutes.
  • Drain the excess water from the soy protein, and add the dried oregano, red pepper flakes, ground cumin, garlic powder, and cayenne powder.
  • Cook the contents over medium-low heat for two minutes, and then remove from the heat.
  • Add the lime zest and fresh lime juice.
  • Taste, and season with more Kosher salt and fresh black pepper.
  • Serve the cooked soy protein and onions in bowls with the cooked vegetables, topped with a big dollop of Greek yogurt.
  • Serve with fresh lime wedges.


You can reheat the vegetables and soy protein the following day to serve for lunch or as a small side dish, but this is best eaten while everything is fresh and hot.
I will often shape my boiled textured soy protein into patties after it is cooked, which can then be frozen and stored for up to six months in the freezer. They are really easy to pan-fry from frozen, and don’t take long to reheat.

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