Old Time Macaroni Tuna Salad

Macaroni and tuna salad seems to show up at every picnic, family reunion, and potluck. The beauty of the dish is that it goes together quickly and easily. Plus, it’s not hard on your wallet.

As with other old-time favorites, consider putting your own spin on this recipe. Add things like:

Bread and butter pickles
Hard boiled eggs
Lemon juice
Petite peas
Smoky paprika

In choosing tuna for your salad, lean toward tuna packed in olive oil. It’s generally tastier than that packed in water. If you plan on making the salad ahead of time (it benefits from resting in the refrigerator overnight), just remember to take it out a few minutes before serving. Test for moisture. You can add a tablespoon of milk to create a creamier texture.

Old Time Macaroni Tuna Salad

Macaroni and tuna salad seems to show up at every picnic, family reunion, and potluck. The beauty of the dish is that it goes together quickly and easily. Plus, it’s not hard on your wallet.
As with other old-time favorites, consider putting your own spin on this recipe. Add things like:
Bread and butter pickles
Hard boiled eggs
Lemon juice
Petite peas
Smoky paprika
In choosing tuna for your salad, lean toward tuna packed in olive oil. It’s generally tastier than that packed in water. If you plan on making the salad ahead of time (it benefits from resting in the refrigerator overnight), just remember to take it out a few minutes before serving. Test for moisture. You can add a tablespoon of milk to create a creamier texture.


  • 1 lb elbow macaroni
  • ½ cup minced green onion
  • 1 cup sweet pepper (any color)
  • ¾ cup chopped onion
  • 4 tsp parsley flakes
  • 10 oz tuna in oil
  • 1 cup chopped celery
  • ¼ cup mayonnaise
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • Cracked pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 ½ cup mayonnaise


  • Put one quart of water on the stove and bring it to a rolling bowl.
  • Add the macaroni
  • Cook uncovered for 12 minutes
  • Remove from the heat and drain
  • Give the macaroni a rinse with cold water to stop the cooking
  • Set aside
  • Put together all the other ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Stir until well-incorporated
  • Add the macaroni and mayonnaise stirring again.
  • Chill before serving.


TIP: If you like pretty presentations, put the portions of macaroni on a large, fresh lettuce leaf for serving.

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