One Pot Pasta: Mushroom

Mushroom lovers unite! This is a rich pasta brimming with mushroom flavor. Add a little garlic bread, and in under an hour, you have a meal fit for a king.
You can use various types of mushrooms in this dish. A lot depends on how much mushroom taste you want to bring forward. For example, Bella mushrooms are stronger than white button mushrooms. Portabella mushrooms have a meatier texture.
As with so many other pasta dishes you don’t have to stop with the recipe basics. If you want a little chicken in the pasta, broccoli, or a hint of basil, go for it! Use a pot that’s at least 3-quarts in size (like a dutch oven). The key to success for this dish is to stir, stir, stir. You don’t want the pasta sticking or undercooked.

One Pot Pasta: Mushroom

Mushroom lovers unite! This is a rich pasta brimming with mushroom flavor. Add a little garlic bread, and in under an hour, you have a meal fit for a king.
You can use various types of mushrooms in this dish. A lot depends on how much mushroom taste you want to bring forward. For example, Bella mushrooms are stronger than white button mushrooms. Portabella mushrooms have a meatier texture.
As with so many other pasta dishes you don’t have to stop with the recipe basics. If you want a little chicken in the pasta, broccoli, or a hint of basil, go for it! Use a pot that’s at least 3-quarts in size (like a dutch oven). The key to success for this dish is to stir, stir, stir. You don’t want the pasta sticking or undercooked.


  • 3 Tbs fresh minced garlic
  • 1 lb mushrooms (your choice) (sliced)
  • ¼ cup butter
  • ¼ tsp kosher salt
  • ¼ tsp Pepper
  • 1 pound pasta ((fettuccine is nice))
  • 5 cups broth ((vegetable or chicken))
  • cup heavy cream
  • ½ cup parmesan cheese (grated)


  • Saute the garlic and mushrooms in butter.
  • Once the mushrooms are soft, add salt and pepper
  • Pour in the broth and pasta
  • Cover the pot, bringing everything to a boil.
  • Stir.
  • Recover the pot, and then cook over medium-low heat.
  • Simmer the mix, stirring every 3 minutes over the next 10 minutes.
  • When the pasta is tender, slowly pour in the heavy cream, stirring.
  • Add the parmesan watching for it to integrate, making a sauce.
  • Serve immediately.

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