Perfectly Seared Scallops

Are you tired of eating lifeless, pale scallops? This hard-sear approach cooks only one side of the scallop.

Perfectly Seared Scallops

Are you tired of eating lifeless, pale scallops? This hard-sear approach cooks only one side of the scallop.


  • 1 lb fresh large scallops
  • 2 Tbsp Wondra flour
  • 3 Tbsp bacon fat or vegetable oil
  • Salt to taste


  • Dry the scallops completely on all sides with paper towels, and dust Wondra flour on the bottom side of each scallop.
  • Salt the top side of each scallop with kosher salt.
  • Heat bacon fat or vegetable oil in a heavy-bottomed large saute pan until the oil is just beginning to smoke.
  • The cooking fat here needs to be really hot.
  • Drop the scallops flour-side-down into the hot fat, making sure none of the scallops are touching eachother as they cook.
  • When scallops are crispy and dark golden brown on the one side, remove from the cooking fat quickly and reserve on paper towels to drain. Serve hot.


Wondra flour is a pre-gelatinized flour that is often used a thickener for sauces like gravy. It is prized for its tiny particles and non-clumping properties. When dusted over meat or seafood, it acts as a thin protective barrier around the meat protein, and encourages browning through the maillard reaction. It is also an amazing product to utilize as a thickener when you are making your turkey gravy for Thanksgiving dinner.

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