Steak Bite Burrito

If you love deep-fried food, this recipe will be a real treat. It starts out with smoked steak that’s deep-fried before making it into a burrito. Sound crazy? It’s not. The frying process makes for a wonderful crust on your meat while the center stays perfectly juicy.

We’re using Queso asadero cheese here, but you can certainly use a Mexican blend from your supermarket or even plain mozzarella. If you’re wondering Queso asadero originated in Northwest Mexico. The process of making it includes kneading, giving the cheese a stringy consistency. It is mild and melts beautifully. This recipe serves about 4 people.

Steak Bite Burrito

If you love deep-fried food, this recipe will be a real treat. It starts out with smoked steak that’s deep-fried before making it into a burrito. Sound crazy? It’s not. The frying process makes for a wonderful crust on your meat while the center stays perfectly juicy.
We’re using Queso asadero cheese here, but you can certainly use a Mexican blend from your supermarket or even plain mozzarella. If you’re wondering Queso asadero originated in Northwest Mexico. The process of making it includes kneading, giving the cheese a stringy consistency. It is mild and melts beautifully. This recipe serves about 4 people.


  • 1 pound rib-eye steak (1” thick)
  • Queso asadero cheese
  • Green salsa (salsa verde)
  • Soft burrito wraps
  • Shredded lettuce (optional)


  • Heat up your smoker to 225 degrees F.
  • Sprinkle salt, pepper, and garlic powder on both sides of the steak.
  • Lightly oil the smoker grates to prevent sticking.
  • Smoke the steak until it reaches 125 degrees F internally.
  • Set up your frying station in the meanwhile.
  • When your steak is ready, lower it into 400 degree F oil.
  • Remove immediately when you see a golden crust form.
  • Cool.
  • Slice the meat into thin pieces suitable for the perfect burrito bite.
  • Lay the slices on the burrito (eye how much you use so it’s not overfilled).
  • Sprinkle the surface of the burrito with cheese and the salsa verde.
  • Fold the burrito carefully and toast it.
  • If you want lettuce, open it and place a little inside.
  • Serve.


Tip: You can use pico or regular salsa instead of the salsa verde for this dish. Serve with refried beans and rice.

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