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The English Channel

I haven’t made a drink with Pimms in so long that I nearly forgot it existed. Luckily, I came across this old recipe and decided to dust it off.
This following recipe makes 1 cocktail.


  • 1 oz high-quality gin of choice (chilled)
  • ½ oz freshly-squeezed lemon juice (chilled)
  • 3 oz Ginger Beer (chilled)
  • 2 oz Pimms (chilled)
  • Twist of lemon (as garnish)


  • Prepare a chilled rocks glass filled with ice.
  • Add the gin, lemon juice, ginger beer, and Pimms to the rocks glass.
  • Stir gently with a cocktail spoon, and serve cold, with a twist of lemon.


It’s helpful to start with all of the cocktail ingredients chilled, before you mix with the ice in the rocks glass.