Green Chimichurri Sauce

Chimichurri Sauce tastes as if you fussed over it for hours. While favored for steaks, this versatile condiment recipe goes well with chicken, pork, shellfish, and potatoes, too. You can additionally try it as a marinade or a spread on toast.
Chimichurri sauce traces its origins to Argentina where everyone has a “secret” to their sauce (you can too! Just get creative). It always uses fresh ingredients and the flavor shows. How can you go wrong with a sauce that mixes garlic, parsley, herbs, and a hint of vinegar for tang?
Dietarily, Green Chimichurri is gluten-free and keto-friendly. You will want a good knife for cutting up your herbs finely. This recipe is the green version, but Chimicurri also has a red variation that utilizes tomatoes and sweet paprika.
Tip: Freeze any leftover sauce in ice cube trays. Once solid, move them into a food storage bag. Now you can take out only what you need when you need it.

Green Chimichurri Sauce

Chimichurri Sauce tastes as if you fussed over it for hours. While favored for steaks, this versatile condiment recipe goes well with chicken, pork, shellfish, and potatoes, too. You can additionally try it as a marinade or a spread on toast.
Chimichurri sauce traces its origins to Argentina where everyone has a “secret” to their sauce (you can too! Just get creative). It always uses fresh ingredients and the flavor shows. How can you go wrong with a sauce that mixes garlic, parsley, herbs, and a hint of vinegar for tang?
Dietarily, Green Chimichurri is gluten-free and keto-friendly. You will want a good knife for cutting up your herbs finely. This recipe is the green version, but Chimicurri also has a red variation that utilizes tomatoes and sweet paprika.
Tip: Freeze any leftover sauce in ice cube trays. Once solid, move them into a food storage bag. Now you can take out only what you need when you need it.


  • ½ cup light olive oil
  • ¼ cup red wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 1 cup parsley
  • ½ cup fresh oregano leaves
  • 1 medium-sized red chili, deseeded
  • 1 small green chili
  • Fresh ground black pepper to taste


  • Finely mince garlic, parsley, oregano, and chilis (try and make your cuts as even as possible).
  • Mix in a refrigerator bowl with a lid.
  • Place in the refrigerator overnight, covered.
  • Stir and use as desired.
  • This lasts for about 2 weeks when stored in the fridge. Use a glass container with a secure closure, if possible.

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