Old Time Chicken Salad

Chicken salad ranks among the four top spreadable salads for summer: chicken, egg, tuna, and ham. Sure, you can bring it to a potluck with crackers, wraps, or bread rounds, but it might not make it that far! It’s cool, creamy, and has just a little crunch for satisfaction.

Why call it “Old Time?” The first American Style chicken salad appeared in cookbooks in the mid-1800s. The minor changes were the use of vinegar and eggs, as well as the

Old Time Chicken Salad is a great addition to a barbecue, especially alongside grilled corn and warm buttered rolls. You can tinker with the recipe too! Consider adding nuts, pineapple, bacon, grapes, avocado, or dried cranberries to the mix.

Once prepared any leftovers (unlikely) last for about a week when refrigerated. Don’t try to freeze it. The result is nasty. Instead, add it to something else like a macaroni salad as a surprise ingredient.

Serving suggestion: Lay on a bed of Romaine lettuce with green onions sprinkled on top.

Old Time Chicken Salad

Chicken salad ranks among the four top spreadable salads for summer: chicken, egg, tuna, and ham. Sure, you can bring it to a potluck with crackers, wraps, or bread rounds, but it might not make it that far! It’s cool, creamy, and has just a little crunch for satisfaction.
Why call it “Old Time?” The first American Style chicken salad appeared in cookbooks in the mid-1800s. The minor changes were the use of vinegar and eggs, as well as the
Old Time Chicken Salad is a great addition to a barbecue, especially alongside grilled corn and warm buttered rolls. You can tinker with the recipe too! Consider adding nuts, pineapple, bacon, grapes, avocado, or dried cranberries to the mix.
Once prepared any leftovers (unlikely) last for about a week when refrigerated. Don’t try to freeze it. The result is nasty. Instead, add it to something else like a macaroni salad as a surprise ingredient.
Serving suggestion: Lay on a bed of Romaine lettuce with green onions sprinkled on top.


  • 2 cups cooked, chopped chicken breast
  • ½ cup (or more) mayonnaise or ranch dressing
  • ¼ cup minced onion
  • 1 stalk chopped celery
  • 1 tsp spicy brown mustard
  • ¼ tsp each garlic powder, onion powder
  • ½ tsp dill
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Are you ready for this? Toss all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  • Serve cold.


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