Budget Friendly Hot Dog Soup

The cupboards are looking a little scant. But with a few budget-friendly ingredients, you can make a wonderful meal.

When you want a warm, filling soup that won’t break the bank, Hot Dog Soup fits the bill. The simple, familiar flavors make it a great comfort food for cold days. Make sure you have dinner rolls for dipping.

This recipe feeds six and takes about 1 hour total to prepare.

Budget Friendly Hot Dog Soup

The cupboards are looking a little scant. But with a few budget-friendly ingredients, you can make a wonderful meal.
When you want a warm, filling soup that won’t break the bank, Hot Dog Soup fits the bill. The simple, familiar flavors make it a great comfort food for cold days. Make sure you have dinner rolls for dipping.
This recipe feeds six and takes about 1 hour total to prepare.


  • 16 oz Hot Dogs (beef is best)
  • 1 white onion (chopped)
  • 2 cloves garlic (minced)
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 3 golden potatoes
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 8 oz Italian diced tomatoes
  • 14 oz stock (beef, chicken, or vegetable)
  • 4 oz frozen green beans
  • 4 oz frozen sweet corn
  • Salt & pepper to taste


  • Slice the hot dogs into bite-sized bits
  • In a large saucepan, melt the butter
  • Add the garlic and onion
  • Stir until they’re soft
  • Add in potatoes
  • Pour in enough water just to cover everything
  • Add onion powder
  • Bring to a boil
  • Over medium heat, add the broth, tomatoes, stock, vegetables, and hot dogs.
  • Simmer until the potatoes are tender (about 30 minutes)


You can play with this recipe in various ways. Exchange the beans or corn for broccoli. Use pasta instead of potatoes. Use brats or sausage instead of hot dots.
Just look into your freezer for those partly used vegetable bags that keep falling out. Great way to clean those out.

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