Stuffed Mini Peppers That Will Impress Any Guest

If you’re looking for an easy appetizer to serve at your next party, try these stuffed mini peppers! They’re quick and easy to make and are the perfect bite-sized treat! The crunch of the pepper pairs perfectly with the cream cheese filling, making this little snack ideal for parties. Try these mini stuffed peppers at your next get-together!

-1 pound mini sweet peppers
-6 oz. cream cheese softened
-1/2 cup grated mozzarella cheese
-1/2 teaspoon chili powder
-1 teaspoon onion powder
-1 teaspoon garlic powder
-1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Preheat oven to 350° F. Prepare a baking sheet.
2. Wash bell peppers and cut them in half from top to bottom. Remove seeds from peppers with a spoon.
3. In a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, and seasonings.
4. Fill pepper halves with 1 tablespoon of cream cheese mixture per half.
5. Place stuffed peppers on a foil-lined baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes.
6. Serve immediately with salsa or buffalo sauce on top! Enjoy!

Stuffed Mini Peppers That Will Impress Any Guest

If you’re looking for an easy appetizer to serve at your next party, try these stuffed mini peppers! They’re quick and easy to make and are the perfect bite-sized treat! The crunch of the pepper pairs perfectly with the cream cheese filling, making this little snack ideal for parties. Try these mini stuffed peppers at your next get-together!


  • 1 pound mini sweet peppers
  • 6 ounces cream cheese (softened)
  • 1/2 cup grated mozarella cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Dipping Sauces

  • salsa (optional)
  • buffalo sauce (optional)


  • Preheat oven to 350° F. Prepare a baking sheet.
  • Wash bell peppers and cut them in half from top to bottom. Remove seeds from peppers with a spoon.
  • In a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, and seasonings.
  • Fill pepper halves with 1 tablespoon of cream cheese mixture per half.
  • Place stuffed peppers on a foil-lined baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes.
  • Serve immediately with salsa or buffalo sauce on top! Enjoy!

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