Fennel-Infused Negroni

Toasted fennel seeds, fresh-pressed fennel bulbs, and fennel fronds are all incorporated into this fennel-forward negroni.

This cocktail recipe serves four people, but can be scaled up or down.  If you don’t have a juicer, you can omit the fresh fennel bulb juice.

Fennel-Infused Negroni

Toasted fennel seeds, fresh-pressed fennel bulbs, and fennel fronds are all incorporated into this fennel-forward negroni.
This cocktail recipe serves four people, but can be scaled up or down. If you don’t have a juicer, you can omit the fresh fennel bulb juice.


  • 5 oz sweet vermouth
  • ¼ cup fennel seeds, ( toasted)
  • 4 oz gin
  • 4 oz Campari
  • Enough ice for 4 cocktails
  • 8 green fennel fronds, ( as garnish)
  • ½ fresh orange, cut into ¼” slices, (as garnish)


  • A few days before you make the cocktail, combine the toasted fennel seeds with the sweet vermouth and allow to steep.
  • Cut fennel bulb into chunks and put pieces through a juicer, retaining the fennel bulb liquid.
  • When the toasted fennel seeds have had time to steep in the sweet vermouth, strain out the fennel seeds and reserve the vermouth.
  • Combine vermouth, fennel juice, gin, and Campari with some ice and stir to cool.
  • Pour the chilled liquid into glasses with your desired quantity of ice.
  • Garnish with fresh orange slices and fresh fennel fronds, if desired.


You can experiment with different whole spices in this recipe. Star anise, cloves, and cardamom all make for fun flavor combinations here.

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