Puppy Chow

I have been on a food memory tear lately, recreating some savory and sweet dishes from my childhood that I haven’t eaten in decades. One of these items that I rediscovered last week was puppy chow, made from a mixture of Chex cereal, Golden Grahams, peanut butter, and dark chocolate.

It’s incredibly unhealthy, and packed with added sugar and fat. That being said, the version in this recipe is delicious, and absolutely worth trying out at home. I’ve been eating mine with milk, for breakfast.

Puppy Chow

I have been on a food memory tear lately, recreating some savory and sweet dishes from my childhood that I haven’t eaten in decades. One of these items that I rediscovered last week was puppy chow, made from a mixture of Chex cereal, Golden Grahams, peanut butter, and dark chocolate.
It’s incredibly unhealthy, and packed with added sugar and fat. That being said, the version in this recipe is delicious, and absolutely worth trying out at home. I’ve been eating mine with milk, for breakfast.


  • 4 Tbsp ½ stick salted butter
  • ½ cup peanut butter
  • ¼ cup chopped dark chocolate or dark chocolate chips
  • 3 cups Chex cereal
  • 3 cups Golden Grahams
  • ½ cup confectioner’s sugar (powdered sugar)


  • In a small nonstick sauté pan, add the butter, and increase the heat to medium.
  • When the butter has melted, add the peanut butter, and stir until mixed.
  • Add the chopped dark chocolate, and reduce the heat on the stove to medium-low.
  • Stir until the chopped dark chocolate has melted into the butter and peanut butter mixture.
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the liquid peanut butter and chocolate mixture with the cereal, and mix well.
  • Allow the mixture to cool for roughly ten minutes at room temperature.
  • Add the confectioner’s sugar, and toss the contents again to evenly distribute the sugar.
  • Allow the mixture to cool down in the fridge on parchment paper.
  • Serve after the mixture has cooled.


Store the puppy chow in a covered container in the fridge, or in the freezer.

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