Quick Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

The combination of rich dark chocolate and fresh strawberries serves as the perfect end to a wonderful meal. You make these easily ahead of time and store in the fridge, although I would advise making them on the same day that you plan on serving them.

Quick Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

The combination of rich dark chocolate and fresh strawberries serves as the perfect end to a wonderful meal. You make these easily ahead of time and store in the fridge, although I would advise making them on the same day that you plan on serving them.


  • 16 large strawberries, washed under cold water.
  • ¾ cup of chocolate chips (a mix of dark chocolate and milk chocolate is nice)
  • 2 tbsp butter, cut into small pieces.


  • Wash and dry off your strawberries.
  • Remove any dead leaves from the strawberry tops.
  • Make sure the remaining green leaves on the strawberries are pulled upwards, away from the flesh of the berry that will be covered in chocolate.
  • Set the strawberries aside on paper towels.
  • In a small saucepan, gently melt the chocolate chips and incorporate the butter, stirring constantly.
  • When the chocolate is completely melted and velvety smooth, quickly dip your strawberries in the chocolate, placing the dipped strawberries on sheet tray covered with parchment.
  • Place sheet tray in fridge for at least 30 minutes prior to serving.
  • The parchment will make it easier to remove the strawberries when you are ready to eat them.


This is a decadent way to make use of those fresh strawberries you can get at the farmers markets in the early summer months. And it’s a great way to wow your dinner party guests without breaking a sweat.

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