Lamb Kabob

Haven an event coming up? Try these lamb kabobs. They’re a hit for small or large gatherings. You can assemble all your ingredients the night before to be ready to go on the grill right before everyone eats.
The marinade for this recipe is simple, salty, and has a hint of sweetness. Give the lamb and vegetables 24 hours to soak up all that goodness before you cook.

Regarding what part of the lamb to use, look for a boneless shoulder or sirloin. Both cuts have just the right amount of fat, so the pieces stay juicy and tender.

Lamb Kabob

Haven an event coming up? Try these lamb kabobs. They’re a hit for small or large gatherings. You can assemble all your ingredients the night before to be ready to go on the grill right before everyone eats.
The marinade for this recipe is simple, salty, and has a hint of sweetness. Give the lamb and vegetables 24 hours to soak up all that goodness before you cook.
Regarding what part of the lamb to use, look for a boneless shoulder or sirloin. Both cuts have just the right amount of fat, so the pieces stay juicy and tender.


  • 3 lbs boneless lamb shoulder
  • ¼ cup light soy sauce
  • ¼ cup teriyaki sauce
  • ¼ cup mirin sauce
  • 1 cup Pinot Noir
  • 1 large sweet green pepper
  • 1 large red onion
  • 1 large white onion
  • 1 large sweet red, yellow, and orange pepper
  • Whole baby bell mushrooms (optional)


  • Set out a mixing bowl that will fit in your refrigerator
  • Cut the lamb into one-inch cubes
  • Pour the sauces and wine over the lamb
  • Cut the onions and peppers into large slices or squares
  • Add them (and the mushrooms if you are using them) to the marinade and mix
  • Cover and leave overnight in the refrigerator
  • Drain the marinade.
  • Place the marinated meat and vegetables on the skewers, so there’s an order. For example, meat-white onion-green pepper-mushroom-meat (and so forth).
  • Grill looking for a light char and an internal temperature of 120F for medium rare. Remember, the meat will continue cooking internally somewhat once off the grill.
  • Serve with rice pilaf, naan, or a fresh cucumber salad


Toward the end of putting together the kabobs, you probably won’t have even amounts of everything. Just assemble what’s left so the kebabs are bright and cheerful, even if you have to put pepper on pepper or onion on onion.
If you are using wooden skewers, soak them in water for half an hour before you use them. This prevents the wood from catching fire.

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