Shrimp and Crab Seafood Salad

Seafood salad is one of the classic sandwich spreads, along with chicken, tuna, and egg salad. Everyone who makes it adds a touch of this and a dab of that to make it personal. The recipe is delightfully easy, mixing shrimp, crab, mayonnaise, and spices that you remember from childhood.
Besides using it on sandwiches, it’s tasty on top of a green salad, cooked pasta, and as a stuffing for small tomatoes. Once made, you can store it in your refrigerator for 3 days. Don’t try freezing it; the resulting texture isn’t pleasant.

Shrimp and Crab Seafood Salad

Seafood salad is one of the classic sandwich spreads, along with chicken, tuna, and egg salad. Everyone who makes it adds a touch of this and a dab of that to make it personal. The recipe is delightfully easy, mixing shrimp, crab, mayonnaise, and spices that you remember from childhood.
Besides using it on sandwiches, it’s tasty on top of a green salad, cooked pasta, and as a stuffing for small tomatoes. Once made, you can store it in your refrigerator for 3 days. Don’t try freezing it; the resulting texture isn’t pleasant.


  • ½ lb imitation crab**
  • ½ lb tiny salad shrimp
  • 1 minced shallot
  • 1/2 cup minced celery
  • ½ tsp minced garlic
  • ½ tsp dill weed
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • ¼ tsp cracked pepper
  • ½ cup mayonnaise ***

** If you can get real crab, all the better (but it’s tough on the budget).

*** There are now many mayonnaise flavors available at the supermarket, including lime, spicy, and chili. Selections tasty for this dish are roasted garlic, bacon and tomato, cucumber dill, and ranch.


  • Place all the ingredients into a mixing bowl
  • Toss gently until everything is coated evenly with the mayonnaise
  • Refrigerate for at least one hour before using.

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